The code is hosted at GitHub and can be seen here
You can clone this repo locally,
git clone
or you can download a zip of the repo by visiting in your browser, then tapping the green button in the upper right called “Code”. That will launch a popup and at the bottom of the popup is an entry for “Download ZIP”. Select that and after it downloads, unzip it on your computer. This is the full Boxedwine source code and you can build it using the instructions below.
To use Boxedwine, you need a file system. You can use this one to start.
With just the filesystem and an executable you should be able to test launching notepad with this command line:
boxedwine -root . -zip /bin/wine notepad
Windows Build
Currently I use Visual Studio 2019 community edition.
Open solution file project\msvc\BoxedWine\BoxedWine.sln
Linux Build
requires: on Ubuntu this might be zlib1g-dev, libminizip-dev, cmake, libsdl2-dev and libssl-dev
change directory to project/linux and run
MacOSX Build
Install XCode from the App store
change to the directory project\mac-xcode in finder and open Boxedwine.xcworkspace
Mac OSX is still an experimental build. The Boxedwine target uses the slower “Normal” core and Boxedwine64 uses an experimental x64 binary translator, but this does not work on a lot of games yet. There is also a known bug where sound is very choppy, but a fix for this is being actively worked on.
Emscripten Build
follow instructions on Emscripten and/or WebAssembly website for setup
make sure to initialize the emscripten environment: source ./
change directory to project/emscripten and run
read buildFlags.txt in source code tree for configuration options (summarised here)